The World Premiere of Spirit & Bones, from the Sarah Bush Dance Project features an intergenerational cast of 15 dancers ranging in age from 23 to over 70.  Spirit & Bones is an evening-length production highlighting female resilience in times of darkness, the tenacity of the solo woman, and the ferocious love and strength generated by community. Spirit & Bones is […]
This is it, I’m here in Santa Barbara to drop my son off at UCSB and move him into his dorm. Feelings of fear and loss course through me. But there is sense of relief, too. After 25 years, I will start a new life, one that will no longer involve taking care of kids on […]
Lucy and Gail, long-time producers of women’s events, are hosting a 3-day party in Las Vegas at the South Point Hotel, September 27-29, 2018 to celebrate 15 years of finding ways to keep lesbians entertained and engaged. It all began back in 2003 when they moved to Palm Springs and much to their dismay found […]
Game Changer Kathy Belge and I were invited to do a panel this year at ClexaCon in Las Vegas. We were joined by Charlotte Robinson of Outtakes Voices, and drew quite a large crowd. We talked not only about my new book Game Changers- Lesbians You Should Know About but taught some history about lesbian […]
This May a new edition of Being Emily, the young adult trans girl classic, arrives in bookstores. It features new scenes, an intro by Harvard professor and poet Stephanie Burt, a new note from the author and epilogue. The book has been updated to support a new generation of trans teens during the current political […]
Nerdy queer fandoms rejoice! If you like your fandoms nerdy, loud, proud and queer, ClexaCon is the place for you! ClexaCon  is an LGBTQ+ convention for the fans, by the fans! No big corporations with sneaky motives. Just fandoms, fans and fun! Join us at the Tropicana, Las Vegas, April 5th – 9th for the […]
LPAC is the national lesbian political action committee that supports pro-LGBTQ, pro-women’s equality, and progressive candidates, building the political power of lesbians and queer women by electing candidates who champion LGBTQ rights, women’s equality and social justice. LPAC achieves its mission by increasing the political power and engagement of LGBTQ women and their allies, and building a […]
Swimming Upstream presents refreshingly multidimensional trans and intersex characters who offer fresh perspectives on human connection and the legacy of trauma through multiple generations. A welcome addition to the transgender fiction canon. —T Cooper, author of Real Man Adventures and Changers We are excited to read Jacob’s new novel, coming soon! (we’ll keep you posted on […]
Think Orange is the New Black meets Pulp Fiction meets Enter the Dragon. Genesis, is a movie about the possible extinction of the male species and the promise of an all-female society. But it’s funny! And it stars Meredith Baxter. It doesn’t get much better than that — except it does. Robert Romanos, Suzanne Westenhoefer, and Dana Goldberg also star. This […]
So Famous and So Gay: The Fabulous Potency of Truman Capote and Gertrude Stein is a new book by Jeff Solomon. Read an excerpt below: From the 1910s until the 1930s, many readers pictured Gertrude Stein lounging on a divan that drew from fin de siècle clichés as well as tropes of silent films. Sometimes she […]
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