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Genderqueer  // Echo Brooks (pseudonym) is a 40+ genderqueer writer. Read her/his/other blog at

07 Mar Posted by in Genderqueer | Comments Off on The Dilemna of Whole Body Scanners

The Dilemna of Whole Body Scanners

The Dilemna of Whole Body Scanners

People are concerned not only for their privacy but for a variety of other reasons when faced with the possibility of being subject to a full body scan at airport security check points. Privacy and what some deem illegal search and seizure seemed to be the main topics in the news and opinions articles put […]


21 Feb Posted by in Genderqueer | 2 comments

Beyond the Binary Gender Model

Beyond the Binary Gender Model

Setting aside what genitalia one is born with, most people conform to the notion that gender is made up of females and males. While most people are content with living the expected lives of the gender they were assigned according to their genitals, there are many who feel their gender is completely opposite of their […]


09 Feb Posted by in Genderqueer | 6 comments

When Identity Boxes Collapse

When Identity Boxes Collapse

Identifying as a lesbian for most of my life has given me a place to belong. Even when I produced my two children the ‘old fashioned way’, in my eyes, I was just a lesbian having heterosexual sex to create a child. Bisexual was never an option for me, even though I have had relationships […]


24 Jan Posted by in Genderqueer | 9 comments

The Genderqueer Male

The Genderqueer Male

I realize my world and opinions are that of a lesbian genderqueer. However, as a female born genderqueer, I often forget that genderqueer is not only a female identified phenomenon. While I do not personally know any biologically born males that classify as genderqueer, I am sure they exist. To me, genderqueer represents someone that […]


08 Jan Posted by in Genderqueer | 11 comments

Genderqueer is Not Transgendered

Genderqueer is Not Transgendered

When I say I hate labels, and I prefer not to wear them, most people have a tendency to turn up their nose. I have never truly understood why my not needing to identify as ‘something’ makes me an outcast. The only thing I truly identify as is genderqueer, but not as a label, more […]


24 Dec Posted by in Genderqueer | Comments Off on Loving the Genderqueer

Loving the Genderqueer

Loving the Genderqueer

Recently I was browsing some genderqueer forums. I don’t often participate in the conversations, not because I have no opinion, but because I seem to be so much older than most looking for guidance. I feel out of place in a community that seems inundated with much younger people. I wonder had I been exposed […]


11 Dec Posted by in Genderqueer | Comments Off on The Breast—Friend of Foe?

The Breast—Friend of Foe?

The Breast—Friend of Foe?

Being genderqueer it pretty much goes without saying that my breasts are a huge problem for my psyche.  I can appreciate the feminine qualities I possess, and I do like breasts, mine included; well the idea of them anyway. I know I wouldn’t want to be without them completely, I just don’t appreciate their size […]


29 Nov Posted by in Genderqueer | Comments Off on The Other Box

The Other Box

The Other Box

I was talking to my 13 year old the other day about gender.  She was questioning pronoun etiquette.  She wanted to know if it was OK to ask someone that was obviously crossing gender lines what they preferred to be called.  I told her that most people would rather be asked than called something that […]


19 Nov Posted by in Genderqueer | 4 comments

The Missing Identifier

The Missing Identifier

I consider myself gender fluid or gender neutral; a little of both and a lot of neither. Some days I am in the men’s pants, some days I am in the pumps.  Most days I should be wearing both (not a good look mind you). If I choose the pants I am denying the pumps […]