Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the cardinal Fire sign, and therefore a leader with an adventurous pioneer spirit, courageous with a blunt and direct manner. Aries people start a lot of projects, but seldom complete them. They need a lot of activity and will eventually explode without it. The “me first†attitude can, in extremes, be selfish, egotistical, and fool-hearted, impatient, impulsive, and in a hurry. And this is where I remind you that we all have all the signs within us in varying degrees. And we are not just our Sun sign. The other signs sometimes balance, even over rule some of the qualities of the Sun sign. There are no “bad†signs. Every sign has positive and negative qualities.
April starts out with Easter on April fools (of course). There could be surprises, as the Moon in Libra opposes unpredictable Uranus, so stay grounded, pay attention and be flexible. The main influence of the day is the Sun in Aries meeting Mercury, planet of communication. People are likely to express themselves in a very direct and assertive manner. So, if your sensitive, try not to take things too personally.
On the 2nd Mars and Saturn meet in Capricorn. There are two sides to every aspect, and particularly this one. One side wants to take on the project full speed ahead. While the other is hesitant and sees all the obstacles. Finding the balance is the key. The Moon in Scorpio can help with its tendency to research and focus. The 4th and 5th are difficult days for communication. The Moon is in “foot-in-mouth†Sagittarius, and retrograde Mercury in Aries squares blunt Mars on the 4th, and pessimistic Saturn on the 5th. Sensitivity and clarity are necessary.
Saturday, the 7th is good for a brunch date and walk on the beach or some beautiful place. The Moon is in Capricorn, and social Venus in tender Taurus trines Saturn in earthy Capricorn. Then the Moon crosses Mars, which can push us out the door or push our buttons.
On the 10th the big aspect is the Sun in Aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn. This is kind of like two chefs in the same kitchen, which could cause control issues. But harmony can be restored as Venus in Taurus trines Mars in Capricorn.
Thursday, the 12th is all about intuition and creativity. There’s a stabilizing sextile between the Pisces Moon and Saturn in Capricorn at dawn. But the big aspect of the day is artistic Venus in earthy Taurus sextile creative Neptune in inspirational Pisces, tickling our imaginations. The Pisces Moon takes it from there this afternoon with an opportunity sextile to energetic Mars in Capricorn to get some action going. The Moon then crosses Neptune for inspiration, and a sextile to Venus in Taurus for manifestation.
On Friday, the 13th there’s a big influence that peaks during the night into Saturday. Jupiter in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. This is the second of the three times these two giants form this aspect of empowerment. Jupiter is expansion and Pluto is transformation. It’s a major opportunity for growth. The first aspect was January 15th, and the 3rd will be September 12th. Jupiter represents big desires and Pluto focus. What we focus on we will manifest, like it or not. So focus on what you want and how you want it to be.
Saturday, the 14th Mars in Capricorn encourages us to put energy into service, imagination, or creative activities with a sextile to Neptune in Pisces.
The New Moon in Aries, when the Sun and Moon meet is Sunday, the 15th. Every New Moon offers an opportunity for rebirth and renewal, but this one is super charged. Not only because it’s the first in the new Astrological year, but Uranus meets both the Sun and Moon. Uranus is the planet of revolution, freedom, and sudden change. As Uranus prepares to move into Taurus on May 15th, this New Moon brings a jolt of awareness about our true self and higher purpose, underlining the lessons of the last seven years. Our task is to follow our passion and excitement, and trust what unfolds.
Mercury, also in Aries returns to direct motion at this New Moon. Since March 22, Mercury retrograde has compelled us to slow down, reconnect with our deepest desires, and renew our vitality.
Mars, planetary ruler of Aries sits between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. If you’re an early riser, you can see them before sunrise across the southern sky. While in Capricorn Mars brings focus, discipline, and persistence to harness the Aries fire in a productive direction and translate our inspiration into form. The strong Capricorn influence at the New Moon advises sidestepping impatience and impulsivity in favor of strategy and long-term planning. At the same time, we don’t want to let our fears keep us from action. Successful integration of Aries and Capricorn entails taking a strategic risk, doing the work, and trusting the process.
On Monday the 16th, the Moon moves into pleasure-loving Taurus just after midnight for the next couple of days. The big aspect is Venus in Taurus opposing Jupiter in Scorpio. This may bring too many options or decisions, especially about finances and resources. We swing back and forth between extremes all day. But the best chance of making sense or a decision may be this evening when the Moon in grounded Taurus trines stable Saturn.
Tuesday, the 17th could be a day for having deep and intense connections, as the planet of love, Venus in sensual Taurus trines passionate Pluto in earthy Capricorn. The Moon crosses Venus, so also trines Pluto, intensifying our emotions. There is a tendency to overdo, however mid-day when the materialistic Taurus Moon opposes indulgent Jupiter in obstinate and jealous Scorpio.
Saturn begins its five-month retrograde period this evening. Until Saturn returns to direct motion on September 6th our ambitions may be postponed while we take care of unfinished business and learn to be more patient and disciplined. (Ugh! Really?) The skills we learn during this period should prove essential in the long run. (I hope so).
Stay grounded on the 18th. The Moon moves into dualistic Gemini for the next couple of days, sometimes doing too many things at once. And the Sun meets unpredictable Uranus in impatient and impulsive Aries.
The energy changes on the 19th when the Sun moves into easy going Taurus until May 20th. (We can talk about the stubborn part next month.)
The big influence on Monday the 23rd is Mars in ambitious Capricorn forming an opportunity sextile with expansive Jupiter in persistent Scorpio, inspiring us to action, maybe to start some project we’ve been putting off. Social Venus moves into flirtatious Gemini on Tuesday, the 24th until May 20th. Communication and mental connection takes on a primary role in relationships and intimacy.
On Wednesday, the 25th we must watch out for negative thinking and ‘downer’ speech, when retrograde Mercury in assertive Aries squares righteous Saturn in ‘know it all’ Capricorn. Clarity is also important as the critical Virgo Moon opposes hypersensitive Neptune in mutable Pisces.
Action oriented Mars meets powerful Pluto on Thursday, the 26th, rekindling the urge to dominate. The drive to achieve can border on obsession, interfering with our capacity to be objective or take another person’s needs into consideration. The Moon steps in to help by moving into collaborative Libra and trining Venus, who is operating in Gemini and can detach enough to see the big picture, as well as both sides of a situation.
The Full Moon is on Sunday, April 29th, when the Scorpio Moon opposes the Sun in Taurus. The intensity and transformative potential of the Aries New Moon on the 15th peaks at this equally powerful Scorpio Full Moon. The New Moon sparked significant new beginnings, and now the Full Moon reveals what we need to release so that we can bring our ambitious dreams to fruition. Whatever we’ve been avoiding, or suppressing is likely to surface, and we can see what’s undermining our intentions and efforts.
The Moon is moving toward a meeting with Jupiter tomorrow, amplifying all the Full Moon themes and feelings. Further amping up the intensity, the Full Moon squares the lunar nodes, forming a fixed grand cross that highlights our attachments and karmic patterns. People could be more reactive than usual, so try not to get caught up in the drama. Saturn in Capricorn forms a harmonious trine to the Sun and sextile to the Moon, helping us to stay grounded and focused on our priorities. Neptune in Pisces is also a helpful influence at the Full Moon, trining the Moon and Jupiter and bringing in softer, gentler energies for balance.
These are the main influences for a power packed April. I’ll be back in May for more Startalk. Do some kindness every day and have a great month.
To set up readings or hear daily influences call 707-579-2610. Telephone readings are available for people at a distance. I have been practicing Astrology since the mid-sixties Email