I am one of those people who pulls down her shades, turns the phone ringer off and tweets to only a select few in a circle of friends who watch awards ceremonies on television. I know I’m supposed to be too political, too lesbian, too mature, too sophisticated but I love watching. It started when […]
Not being an academic I rarely have the opportunity to use the word ‘performative.’ And it feels good. It conveys the sense of taking a familiar idea to a higher level of significance. With a word like ‘sexuality’ already fairly weighty in US culture you can only go to the head of the class by […]
I’m all caught up on my show biz chick flicks having seen Burlesque two weeks ago and yesterday’s matinee of Black Swan. I took my girlfriend so I could grab her arm during the scary gross parts. I would turn towards her, in the dark theater, following the arc of her horrified reactions and gage […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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